Gene Gateway -
A huge amount of data on human chromosomes and the genes residing on them, many associated with genetic disorders, has resulted from the Human Genome Project. These data, along with educational resources on these subjects, are freely available on the Internet. Originally designed as a web companion to the Human Gene Landmarks poster, Gene Gateway—Exploring Genes and Genetic Disorders has developed into a collection of guides and tutorials “designed to help students and …[others] get started with some of the resources that make these data available to the public.” Gene Gateway “introduces various Internet tools to investigate genetic disorders, chromosomes, genome maps, genes, sequence data, genetic variants, and molecular structures.” Visitors to the website can download the Gene Gateway Workbook, check out the fascinating Chromosome Viewer, and access the Gene and Protein Database Guide, Bioinformatics Tools, Genetic Disorder Guide, and Sample Profiles on Genes and Genetic Disorders. A free copy of the Human Gene Landmarks poster can be ordered via the site.
Herbs at a Glance - From the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, consists of a series of fact sheets about specific herbs or botanicals. For each herb, the following information is provided: introductory statement, common names, Latin names, what it is used for, how it is used, “what the science says,” side effects and cautions, sources, and links to additional resources.