Thursday, April 4, 2013

National Library Week

The College Library will celebrate National Library Week April 15th - 19th. The schedule and event information is below.

  • Study Room VIP Raffle Begins at 8:00 AM, $1 tickets
  • 8:30 AM, Library Commons - Donuts & Coffee. FREE EVENT
  • National Library Workers Day - Please stop by and let our staff know that you appreciate them.
  • 11:00 - 2:00, Library Commons -Hot Dogs & Snowballs. The Library will provide 350 hot dogs and unlimited snowballs from All Star Catering! FREE EVENT
  • 11:00, Library Commons - Trivial Pursuit Challenge. To register your 2-man team: REGISTER YOUR TEAM. Winning team will receive 2 $50 Amazon gift cards.
  • Study Room VIP Raffle ends at 11:00 AM , winner announced at noon!
All Week
  • Fine-free returns! 
  • SALE in the college supply vending machine.
  • NEW fiction books, as well as some new non-fiction, on display in the Main Library lobby.

Study Room VIP Raffle
Want to have your own reserved study room during finals week? Enter the Study Room VIP Raffle! Tickets are $1/each, no limit on entries. The winner will win their very own, reserved study room with 5 VIP passes for you and your friends, for May 6th - 10th. All proceeds from the raffle will be used to purchase coffee cream & sugar. To purchase a ticket, visit the Library Commons desk starting Monday, April 15th at 8:00 AM until Friday, April 19th at 11:00 AM. Winner announced Friday at noon.

What is the Trivial Pursuit ChallengeThe College Library will be hosting a Trivial Pursuit Challenge. Teams of 2 will answer a series of questions, recording their answers on an answer sheet. Answer sheets will be collected, scores tallied, and the winning team will be announced.

When: Thursday, April 18th, 11:00 AM
Where: College Library Commons
Prizes will be awarded to the winning team...runners up may receive a consolation prize. Grand prize will be 2 $50 gift cards.

*NO CELL PHONES, IPADS, or other ELECTRONIC DEVICES will be allowed. If this contraband is used for any reason during the competition, your team will be disqualified.

Teams must have 2 members.
Please include contact information for each team member.
There must be a minimum of 4 teams registered by the deadline, Tuesday, April 16th at 4:00, for the contest to move forward.
If the minimum number of teams is not met, all entrants will be emailed.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Could the Supreme Court outlaw your library's right to lend?...not this time.

The Supreme Court has been examining the first sale doctrine in regard to Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The ruling is detailed here. Let's hope the first sale doctrine is always upheld, as it was this time. Your libraries' right to lend depends on it.

To learn more:
District Dispatch Article
Supreme Court of the United States Blog - Kirtsgeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Or, watch this video for a summary of what the case is about: