New Books
WY 154 A1114 2007 2007
AACN essentials of progressive care nursing
Chulay, Marianne.
WY 100 A2442 2006 2006
Adult health nursing 5th ed.
Christensen, Barbara Lauritsen.
XX(799984.1) 2008
AHA hospital statistics: The comprehensive reference source for analysis and comparison of hospital trends 2009 ed.
American Hospital Association.
PS 3558 A6427 A78 2007 2007
All together dead Ace mass market ed.2008.
Harris, Charlaine.
PN 6231 P6 S84 2004 2004
America (the book) : a citizen's guide to democracy inaction Teacher's ed.
Stewart, Jon, 1962-
LB 1775.2 E53 2008 2008
Anatomy of professional practice : promising research perspectives on educational leadership
English, Fenwick W.
PS 3552 R685434 A82 2000 2000
Angels & demons
Brown, Dan, 1964-
WY 100 A385A 2006 2005
Applying nursing process : a tool for critical thinking 6th ed.
Alfaro-LeFevre, Rosalinda.
TR 655 B78 2006 2006
Approaching nowhere 1st ed.
Brouws, Jeffrey T.
HQ 801 H3193 2008 2008
Are you there vodka? It's me, Chelsea 1st ed.
Handler, Chelsea.
No copies currently available. Estimated wait undetermined.
PS 3569 T3655 A88 2008 2008
The art of racing in the rain : a novel 1st ed.
Stein, Garth.
No copies currently available. Estimated wait undetermined.
PN 83 B785 2007 2007
Asking the right questions : a guide to critical thinking 8th ed.
Browne, M. Neil, 1944-
W 26.5 G545a 2008 2008
Austin and Boxerman's information systems for healthcare management 7th ed.
Glandon, Gerald L.
WD 305 N1634a 2008 2008
The autoimmune epidemic : bodies gone haywire in a world out of balance-- and the cutting-edge science that promises hope 1st Touchstone hardcover ed.
Nakazawa, Donna Jackson.
QV 4 C622B 2007 2007
Basic pharmacology for nurses 14th ed.
Clayton, Bruce D., 1947-
WA 950 L425b 2009 2009
Bayesian disease mapping : hierarchical modeling in spatial epidemiology
Lawson, Andrew (Andrew B.)
TR 820.5 O94 B55 2007 2007
Bill Owens : photographs
Owens, Bill.
WY 150 B8972 2008 2008
Brunner & Suddarth's textbook of medical-surgical nursing 11th ed. / [edited by] Suzanne C. Smeltzer ... [et al.].
Brunner, Lillian Sholtis.
WY 18.2 B765C 2008 2008
Calculation of medication dosages : practical strategies to ensure safety and accuracy
Boundy, Janice F.
QA 11 A1 C35M 2008 2008
Calculation vs. context : quantitative literacy and its implications for teacher education
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009

The Cochrane Library is now available through the library databases webpage.
About Cochrane
The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. Cochrane reviews represent the highest level of evidence on which to base clinical treatment decisions. In addition to Cochrane reviews, The Cochrane Library provides other sources of reliable information, from other systematic review abstracts, technology assessments, economic evaluations and individual clinical trials – all the current evidence in one single environment.
The Cochrane Collaboration
The Cochrane Collaboration is an international not-for-profit organization, providing up-to-date information about the effects of health care. Our vision is that healthcare decision-making around the world will be informed by high-quality, timely research evidence, and that we will play a pivotal role in the production and dissemination of this evidence across all areas of health care.
Cochrane Groups
The Cochrane Collaboration assesses most areas of health care. To do this, it is divided into Cochrane Groups: Cochrane Review Groups, each of which concentrates on a specific healthcare area; Fields that draw together healthcare issues impacting on many review groups; a Consumer Network, that represents the interests of healthcare consumers; Methods Groups develop methodological techniques; Centres with geographic and linguistic responsibilities; and a Steering Group, which provides the policy- and decision-making body of the Collaboration, and this, in turn, is supported by the Secretariat.
Information on the topics that these groups cover, their methods, policies and authors, editors and more is updated regularly.
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